Refrigerated trailers on trains
Having departures on weekends was a pivotal moment for us, our trucks having restricted permission to drive on French roads during weekends and national holidays as well as extended driving hours’ restriction, we could now have multiple departure options for the weekend. To this day we take full advantage of this service, even during the week.
CEO Vlantana
In order to provide an efficient and professional logistics service, in addition to running its activities while considering the environment and using the latest technologies at hand, Vlantana must make sure that its goods reach the client on-time.
Reliability and innovation is what makes their logistics service one of quality and great value and with refrigerated transportation in the mixt, the task was certainly not an easy one.
Since its clients are well spread across Europe, Vlantana must cover great distances and often cross France. Trucks are prohibited from using the roads during the weekend in France as well as national holidays.
By offering high frequency departures, VIIA was able to cut down transportation costs by greatly reducing wear and tear on Vlantana vehicles, as well as fuel consumption.
Vlantana’s refrigerated transport protocol is that 2 drivers would ride along together so as to travel a greater distance in a shorter timeframe, but this means keeping one driver on hold.
By using the rail, 2 drivers will still be necessary but only outside of France, thus, drivers can focus on shorter runs and/ or be assigned on other trips requiring 2 drivers. By offering Vlantana the possibility of 3 departures a day, they gain in flexibility. The railway has effectively become the ideal solution and a competitive one as well.
By choosing VIIA, Vlantana can rest assured that its goods will be delivered on-time and in optimal condition and in the process affect a secondary driver on another route and be cost-effective and productive in the process.